A Police Officer’s Letter to His Children

I have never been the child of a cop so I don’t want talk to you as if I know what that’s like. While I obviously know how living the life of a law enforcement officer has changed me, I can see that it has changed you too.

I’ve seen it in your eyes many times as we kiss and hug goodbye before I go to work. I’ve heard it in your voice on the phone when we’ve talked after I haven’t been able to see you in a day, or two or three.  I’ve been able to see it in the drawings or short stories you’ve had for school assignments. I can even see you starting to develop some of the same situational habits when you meet new people, see a stranger, enter rooms or go through a routine to make the house secure at night.  Thankfully, I also see it in the warped sense of sarcastic humor that anyone who loves a cop must learn to love.


Yes, my job isn’t a normal one or an easy one and I know you see that. But I see that it can’t be easy for you to listen to classmates or even random strangers bash the police.  I see that it must be incredibly difficult to watch parts of the news as you watch me leave for the day. I see that it can get awkward trying to avoid telling certain people what I do for a living because you don’t want to be singled out or to make me unsafe. I see that you’ve learned to know when my day has been longer than others and whether I need some space or whether I need you to be ridiculously goofy to make me laugh. I see that you don’t hold it against me when I can’t be there for a holiday dinner, for that special event or sometimes when you just want to talk.  I see that you are brave beyond your years as you learn to deal with your greatest fear in losing me even as you’ve endured with me in losing others.

To my sons and daughters, I see you. To all police kids, I see you too.

If God should choose to call me home while doing the job I’ve committed to, then I want you to know some things. I want you to know that despite all of the difficulties in this path, that’s it been worth it. It’s been worth it because I’ve shown you to live your life based on principles and not excuses; It’s been worth it because you’ve seen that putting others before ourselves isn’t just something to give lip service to but requires true sacrifice; It’s been worth it because you’ve learned that doing the right thing is always the right thing even when it’s not the easy thing—especially when it’s not the easy thing; It’s been worth it because you’ve got a path carved before you by men and women of tremendous heart and passion; It’s been worth it because not only I, but your family in blue have striven to plant the seed for the trees of peace and safety that your children and your children’s children will take shade under; It’s been worth it because I’ve done it for you.

I also want to thank you. Thank you for letting me know that you’re proud of me; I am proud of you too.

Thank you for letting me know that I make you feel safe; I would protect you at any cost.

Thank you for always helping to remind me of what matters most;  I never want to let you down.

Thank you for letting me know that I am loved. I love you too.

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62 Responses to A Police Officer’s Letter to His Children

  1. Bob Prewitt says:

    I have not been the child of a cop either but have retired from 40 years as a paramedic with a cop as my child. It is refreshing to see people who have a great way to describe the emotions of most public servants with meaningful words that apply to us. It is sometimes difficult to find a correct and proper way to get that done.. Thanks for a fitting reflection.


  2. WGregg says:

    Well said brother. And Thank You!


  3. Mike, we are so unbelievably blessed to have you on board our writing team. Thank you for this amazing piece.


    • AmoryMuerte says:

      As a son of a Police Officer, I have to say that this letter hit home for me in many ways. Such a touching letter that deserves to be read by everyone. It describes a Police Officer’s family in many ways. I pray to God that He watch over our men and women of Law Enforcement


  4. april says:

    This made me cry. My husband was a police officer and died 2 1/2 years ago. We have 2 small children

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mike the Cop says:

      My heart goes out to you. If you ever need anything please let me know.


    • Mike Keene says:

      Thank you for the sacrifice you family has bared for all of us


    • Scout1116 says:

      April Thank you for your sacrifice. I pray that God will bless you and keep you and may He make his countenance shine upon you… And give you peace. We men and women in blue stand strong behind you. Proverbs 3:5-6
      God Bless,
      -Investigator Robert Tipps
      Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
      Winchester TN


    • michaeltraylor77 says:


      If you need anything, please reach out. Retired LEO, I know it can be hard, especially for the kids. Please feel free to reach out for anything at all.

      Mike Traylor


    • micah Hibpshman says:

      I can’t imagine your loss and I may never know how you lost your children’s father and your partner. Still, as a deputy sheriff with three daughters of my own I can only imagine your pain and your burden. I don’t know you, but I have included my email, if there is any help u need, ever, please ask.


    • Seth says:

      May god bless you, your children and your husband. You are all in my prayers.


    • Nicole says:

      Many thoughts and prayers to you and your little ones. Thank you for your sacrifice. That’s a horrible statement, I’m sure. If you were anything like I am as a police wife, you hoped and prayed your sacrifice would be missed hplidays, juggling the house and kids on your own, getting through all the long hours and being a shoulder when a call has been particularly bad. You hoped and prayed that would be the extent of your sacrifice. Instead, you experienced every police wife’s worst nightmare. So while I thank you, please know I grieve with you and for you and your kids. ♡


  5. sandra bigitschke says:

    I’m in tears. I understand. Ridicously goofy was really honest. I was married to a vet who at any time old react in different ways because f his experience. So I understand a little of it.


  6. Patricia Moran says:

    I am a Woman now, and My Father was a Police Officer. I am so thankful & grateful for all i learned from this wonderful & intelligent man. Job well done Daddy. I will always support those who defend me from the criminal element of society. Glad your not here to witness the America you so Loved & defended. But I am, and I carry you in my heart still. God Bless all Good Officers & their families!


  7. I’m grateful to all law enforcement officers, for all their sacrifices, and profound dedication to a
    sometimes, thankless job; especially in our current turmoil of racial unrest. My son has been in law enforcement for 30 + years, and now a grandson will join the ranks in June ,and I love,and respect their choices, even though I worry for safety.


  8. PolicemansDaughter says:

    my father was a police officer for 27 years, and a SWAT officer for 18 of those years (both a doorman and a sniper). Your letter hits home, and couldn’t be any truer. I was always proud of my father and I relish in the work he did for others. In his time on the force, twice he walked away with life saving awards for pulling two kids out of a retention pond, one filled with ice during one of the frigid winters of Chicago. I lived with the ridicule of the kids who just couldn’t understand my life, my brothers and I always stood strong that our father was a hero. I saw the sadness his job brought, the fear for his own children that it created, and the fun he had. Police families have a very twisted sense of humor, something I learned at a very youg age, but it’s our only means of coping. My life wasn’t normal by any means, dinners were interrupted with pages for SWAT call outs, Christmas was never celebrated like my friends, birthdays were often celebrated several days late, and the bleachers were missing a parent many times, but I wouldn’t have wanted any of that to be different. I always understood my fathers
    Commitment, a commitment not many people were willing to give. My normal is something most people cannot fathom, but it’s what was comforting and my home. I spent many hours in my teens on ride slings with my dad, and I had some of the best times in his police station with our police family. Memories that I will forever carry with me. People cannot understand the police world and families unless they are apart of one. I am not an adult myself, and I married a firefighter/paramedic….it’s the only way my life could go. I dated men who worked “normal” 9-5 jobs and I just didn’t fit into that. I even studied to become a Police officer myself, but them I became a mother. God Bless all our men and women who are apart of the thin blue line. Regardless of words in today’s world, were supporting you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Amaz says:

    As the adult child of a police officer (still serving), this really pulls on the heartstrings. I’ve been there; saying goodbyes and worrying, having impromptu sleep overs at a friend’s house because death threats made it unsafe to be in our home, hesitating when certain people ask me about who my father is and what he does… My mom still tells him to be safe every time he leaves for his shift. Not many people understand, or care to understand what it’s like growing up this way. Thank you.


  10. lmatthews says:

    I am the child of a police officer. it’s all my dad has done. i think this was very very well put.


  11. adequatedad says:

    New to the job, with two young sons, one of which is asleep on me at the very moment I write this. Very well written, and very powerful. Thank you for this.


  12. sandra bigitschke says:

    I Really appreciate reading all of this. It puts a deeper perspective. You must all wind up with ptsd? Yes something is so wong and it scares me. I think reeducating public about purpose of cops again and then reeducating public about their responsibilities as citizens of a civil society. I’m so sorry you hurt so deeply. You don’t deserve this.


  13. Nancy Flood says:

    I’m the mother of a police officer and I am also in tears because I know how true it is and it breaks my heart. I wish the citizens of America could see how dedicated these officers are to their oath. I also wish each of them could visualize their world without law enforcement officers to call when we need help or afraid for our lives. Think about it. We are losing good officers every day and so its not such a stretch. Think about it before its too late to help. Support those who leave their families to come and protect yours. Don’t we at least owe them our support.


  14. JustAHumbleServant says:

    I’m the father of three daughters.
    I’m the son of a Deputy.
    I’m the grandson of a Police Officer.
    I’m the nephew of a Police Officer.
    I’m the great-grandson of a Police Officer.
    I’m the great nephew of a ATF Special Agent.
    I’m the husband of a Deputy.
    And I’m a cop…..25 years now.

    Your words are timely, solemn, precise and are representative of us all.

    I’m proud of your words, I’m proud to stand next to you, I’m proud of you…..my brother.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Cherl F. says:

    The Badge is Humanized, Police are necessary, I grew up in smlall town, Texas and knew very few bad cops…I pray for the Police of my past, I hope you know how you were admired and respected as you faithfully and unbiasedly protected and served us. I pray for my family and I pray that GOOD will win out…in this horrible state of affairs we are in…I stand with the righteous and pray that soon those that DEhumanize the badge will be separated from the True Blue…


  16. Tim Fenton says:

    I’m a retired cop. Worked 30 yrs. teared me up too. My dad did 42 years. Reading this as th faher of 3 great adult kids, i felt like the kd. I felt like my deceased dad was talking to me, and I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. Weird how it hits me, because I’m both the receiver of the letter and the sender. If your dad was a cop though, you are always the kid. Nothing like cops, man.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Cpl says:

    My father has been in law enforcement my whole life. I can remember many late nights seeing him off to work or waiting for him to return. I cried when I read this. When I was 17 I joined the Marine Corps and plan to follow the legacy of the man whom I call “Dad” and join the thin blue line in dedicating my life to serving others. Love you Dad. Thanks for everything you have done for everything.

    Cpl. Swinehart


  18. Robert Gohre Sr says:

    So well written, I often wondered what my kids felt. I was a police officer for 35 years and a volunteer firefighter for 27 years and an Emergency Medical Technician for 18 years al t the same time and leaving my family and kids to service my state and community. I know that there were times at school and with friends that were tough for my kids, but I also know that there were times they were very proud to tell there friends that “THEIR” dad was a cop. I know I missed a lot of special events and holidays and birthdays and their sporting events, but they never said anything about it because their mother helped them to understand what it was like and what it meant for me to do my job. Thank you for the wonderful letter, it really helped me to understand now, what my kid’s must have felt.


  19. mini2z says:

    My kidlets now 17 & 20 grew up as the kids of two LEOs. Grade school was fine but in high school I found they didn’t get invited to certain parties (not a bad thing) they knew a lot I mean a lot of answers on law, issues and understood the warped sense of humor.
    I’m proud to say that we did something right and they’re good young adults.


  20. Scott Torruella says:

    My father retired after a 30 year tour with WDMPD. I remember always being worried but most of all proud. Nothing made me happier when my dad would come to school in full uniform just to steal a few minutes with me during lunch. I will always be proud and always be great full for every thing that man has done for me and our community.


  21. Christine says:

    I’m a parent of and grandma to their children of Police officers. Both Mom&Dad are officers. Yes, We all have a warped sense of humor because that’s what works! When my grandkids hear something on the news about a police officer hurt or worse, they stop what they are doing and listen. I have to tell them their parent is okay. They’re only 6 and 8 and they have to live with the reality of the danger of their parents career.
    You are special! We love all the brothers and sisters in blue! We pray for ALL of you every evening.


  22. Amanda says:

    My two little girls lost their Daddy last year in the line of duty, he was an amazing loving father and is missed so much. Their hearts are slowly healing but will forever have a void.
    God Bless all our LEOS!
    Beautifully written!


    • Adrienne says:

      I am so sorry for you loss, thank you for the sacrifice that he made to protect the people he served. ❤️


  23. Kelly says:

    To my children, I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for some of your activities, but I made most of them. Sorry you wasn’t or will not be invited to parties or get togethers because of what your dad does for a living. Truely sorry…but we had fun. And you have a a great sense of humor from your mother and I and your “blue family”. You have uncles, aunts, cousins, sisters and brothers that will be there when you call. We took an oath and we hold that close to our hearts. We live in my home town and we have a great small town, they are supportive and friendly. God bless my brothers and sisters in blue!!💙💚💛💜💓💗💖💘💝💞💟👍


  24. Gordon Judd says:

    Very well written and moving. Am retired after 25 yrs and just want to take the time to thank our two kids’s mother for raising them. You’all know what I mean !


  25. Debbie defosse says:

    I am a daughter of a police officer also a niece of a police officer and now I am proud to say I am a mother of a police officer. And I am very proud of her for the profession she has chosen and may God be with her and her family in Blue


  26. Mrs. M Leone says:

    I am the daughter of a retired LEO, the sister of two, sis-in-law of one and niece of a retired state trooper. I am also in the field, but not a “full flegded” LEO. Your words struck me profoundly. Thank you and may God watch over you and all your families.


  27. Adrienne says:

    These words are so true. My father and mother are both police officers, so my family definitely understands and appreciated all the sacrifices. We have a large extended family of men and women in blue who watch out for each others children and vow to take care of them if anything were to happen to their parent(s). It is a wonderful yet scary world to live in, but I know that my sister and I will always be protected, and that is very comforting. Thank you all for your service, and thank your families for understanding even though it is difficult at times. ❤


  28. Robin says:

    Thank you for sharing something that every child carries deep inside them on a daily basis.

    I am a proud mother of 3 Deputies who follow after their father and grandfather. Not a single moment goes by or when my phone rings can I stop thinking ….will they come home?

    Now that my sons are married, I feel for my daughter in-laws and one day my grandbabies.


  29. lisa mai csoltko says:

    I am a wife of a Cleveland Police Officer of 18years.
    We have 3children. Everytime my husband walks out that door to go to work, I am proud of him for what he does for his family and community. I do know how hard he and his family in blue work and the responsibilities and commitment they put into their work. Yes sometimes I feel frustrated and it’s not fair I struggle alone taking care of our kids and missing out on a lot of the kids activies but at the end of the day I know he’s working hard to helps keep our community safe. Reading what Mike the Cop wrote reminds me why and whom I married. Gives me more insight what Police Officers go through as a father and an Officer. My kids are extremely proud of their dad and understands his work. Its important we are reminded everyday why we do what we counts. Thanks Mike putting me into tears.


  30. Eric Christopher says:

    Well written piece. It’s amazing how kids, with their innocence and curiosity, can get you right in your heart.

    I have been a police officer for 22+ years. When one of my daughters was 5, she silently watched me put on my duty belt in preparation for work one day. Out of the silence came a question never before asked. “Daddy, why do you have a gun?”

    I said I carried it in case someone tried to hurt me or Uncle Brian or Uncle Brett (my partners at the time). “But, Daddy, why would someone want to hurt you?” I told her that there are some people in the world who are bad, but there are a lot of people who are good and it was my job to protect the good people. “You mean if someone wanted to hurt me, Daddy?” Yes, honey.

    My mother, who was there to watch the kids while I went to work, witnessed this little exchange. She and I were fighting back tears. In that moment, minutes before I had to leave, the best I could do was hug her goodbye and tell her that I loved her.

    I am repeatedly amazed at the depth and quality of the mind and soul of my daughters, but I was floored by the realization that my 5 year old was wrestling with such profound concerns. I imagine bittersweet moments like this are rather common in police, fire and military families. Since that day, I’ve done my best to be honest without being graphic about the things I see at work.

    My only advice to my brothers and sisters in the protective services is to respect your kids’ thoughts and concerns. They probably think about your job 1000 times more than they verbalize to you. Be straight with them. Love them. Do your job as if they are constantly watching you. They will be proud of you.

    Be safe. Take care of your partners. Go home to those who worry and love you.


  31. Beverly says:

    I am the mother in law of a police officer. I hear the worry in my daughter’s voice and I pray for my son in law every day. He is an awesome father and husband! I am so proud of him and all the other police officers who help protect this country.


  32. dee cee says:

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful words and thoughts. Thanks for your Service… been doing this job for 22 years -ten of which I was a single parent.


  33. Anne Houck says:

    Thank you Ephrata Police department for every thing you do for our community.


  34. Reblogged this on securelosangeles and commented:
    Good read. Well said


  35. Cassie says:

    I am an officer’s daughter. This letter meant so much to me. My father suffered a debilitating injury about 4 years ago that ended his career but fortunately did not cost him his life. He instilled so much love and faith in me with his line of work that I’m a dispatcher for the same department he worked for. I was able to work with him for about a year before he was injured. I’m forever grateful for the sacrifices you, him, and every officer makes every day. It’s why I try my best to send everyone home. Thank you again for this letter.


  36. Jennifer says:

    I am the girlfriend of a cop, going on five years together. He also has a 17 year old daughter, full time custody. This was very well written. I totally understand the “sense of humor” that we must have. The nights when he comes in and you know it’s best to not say much. And the nights when he comes in and you know you need to try your hardest to make him laugh. Holidays spent without him. Birthdays. Special occasions. He list goes on. He also serves on the SWAT team. So again, I understand the interrupted dinners. Night call outs, laying in bed worried sick. As he heads out, all geared up, ready to go!
    I understand the calls from the brothers. Letting me know that he is at the ER. Injured in the line of duty. Thankfully, not life threatening.
    But the worst of all that I’ve had to endure was the call that there had been a shooting. I remember the words so clearly. And the sigh of relief when I was told that he was the shooter. The anger that filled me, to know that someone put him in that situation. And the heartbreak, as I waited to be able to talk to him. My heart broke for him. For I knew, he did what was absolutely necessary to make it home to his daughter, me, and his family, alive.


  37. Raymond B. Engle says:



  38. Joseph Valentine says:

    So please, remember the next time you get stopped, for speeding, for being late on a light, he is only doing his job. The next time you see a Cop struggling with a perpetrator, if you are young and brave, stop and help him. It may be long minutes before back up arrives. The next time you see a Cop, stop, smile and tell him how safe you feel, because he is there. The next time you go into a diner, look for him. He’s the one sitting all alone in the last booth having a sandwich. He is the one who stands between a civilized society and anarchy. Pray for him. Pray that his profession will not be the cause of his marriage failing. Pray for him that he will safety finish his 25 years, so he can start enjoying a retirement well deserved. And most of all, remember he’s human, just like you and I but, unlike you and I, he must make split second decisions, that can caused him his life, if he wrong. Thank God for our men and women in that blue uniform. Remember, that God will always judge the ones who discredit the Badge.


  39. Matthew says:

    Awesome ..another hero heard from… be safe and thank you


  40. Ginny Bailey says:

    This is a beautiful letter and I thank you for sharing it. I am the daughter of a police officer and while my Dad never put words to paper, the letter hit home because he said many of the same things to me and my brother and sister. Thank you and be safe.


  41. Mike I says:

    My Dad is another “Mike The Cop” (long retired NYPD 7-3). Excellent piece. Thanks and
    God Bless !


  42. Mjlove29 says:

    Reblogged this on Turn. Cough. Breathe Deep. and commented:
    A beautiful letter, sending such an important message to all of us. Enjoy!


  43. iamfutureblue says:

    I am not yet a police officer, I will be starting the academy soon, but I have a daughter that my career choice will impact. She is deathly afraid of officers but I see it up to where she could look at a car she got to see one while clenching my leg. As we were leaving back to my car my Lil gir (3 years old) grabs my hand looks up at me while we were walking and says, “mommy I wanna be a cop like you.” This words just pulled my heart into my stomach and I began to cry, I may not be an officer yet but I have goals and expectations of myself and making an impact like that just make me Want to serve more and more. I want to make a positive impact or our children in society, because they are our future.


    Oh I have a poem I wrote and I would like the opinions of what others think about it if someone can let me know who I would have to submit it to for approval or what it takes.


    • Mike the Cop says:

      Hey there
      Would love to read your poem. You can send it to humanizewriters@gmail.com



      • Thank you mike the cop for taking the time to respond to my post. I sent the email I hope that everyone will get to share my passion and know what I feel and maybe someone else that just stops in to read what is going on thinking its not for me maybe inspire them in pursuing their dreams in law enforcement like me.
        Thank you for taking your time.



  44. denise says:

    I am a child of a police officer thru the late 60’s and late 70’s if you need to ask anything about being a officers child and what we go thru feel free to email me anytime


  45. Jerry says:

    I’m a disabled retired polive officer with a son who is now on the job. This letter really hits home. I see it more clearly now as I watch my son and his two young boys deal with the life of a cop. I so proud
    .. thanks for the letter. Good job


  46. Megan Marie says:

    My father is a retired police officer. During my younger years he worked nighwatch. Every night he would tuck us kids in and then leave for work. I remember nights spent crying myself to sleep because I was scared he wouldnt come home. When i got a little older I would “dispatch” him on his calls while laying in bed. I think doing that comforted me because in some way doing that made me feel like I had some control over the fear. Now at 37, and many years as a real life Police Dispatcher, I know that same fear i had as a little girl, protecting my daddy, is the same thing that pushes me EVERYDAY to make sure all the mommies and daddies on the other end of my radio go home. I couldnt be more proud to be the daughter of a police officer and thank you all for your unwavering dedication and service.


  47. Yes touching, I wonder what kind of letter the victims of police violence that were killed would have told their children. How about most of the men that were executed that were later exonerated. I didn’t see any addressing of good and human officers that stood by and watched it happen.


    • Mike the Cop says:

      That was a letter to my children. If you want to write a different letter and post it somewhere, go for it.

      Criticizing this one does what exactly?


    • CMD says:

      This site is designated for supporting our law enforcement officers, not the criminals or the flaws in our judicial system. Yes, it is a fact that bad things sometimes happen & yes, sometimes people who are innocent of the specified crime are executed. But, although there are ‘bad’ cops, many times the results are due to ‘bad’ choices (made either by the perpetrator, the officer or both) and that is unfortunate. As for ‘innocent’ people being executed, I have studied capital punishment and crime all of my life and the overwhelming majority of times, the ‘bad’ guy doesn’t get punished & rarely these days is anyone executed.

      Also, a lot of people who go to prison have brought attention to themselves by a history of criminal activity. My personal belief is that if a person has a history of violent criminal activity, but did not commit this ‘specific’ attack, he/she is not innocent. In an effort to confirm cases of violence, I support the updated testing of DNA evidence. Cost should not preclude the opportunity to confirm or overturn a conviction of such cases.

      Everyone should know how to behave when in the presence of law enforcement: Shut your mouth. Keep your hands where they can see them. Comply with the officer’s request. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ATTEMPT TO TOUCH OR RUN AWAY FROM THE OFFICER. If you have nothing to hide, you’ll be on your way shortly. If you have outstanding warrants or are doing something illegal, they are going to arrest you. A physical confrontation will never end well, so don’t try it.

      Because we were taught to respect the authority of the law, my parents didn’t have to tell us this. But we told our children & every generation needs to know this. The criminal element in our society has changed the culture in which these officers must work. They can’t afford to relax their guard on even a ‘routine’ stop. Our citizenry must do our part.


  48. My little man says:

    Amen brother. It’s never easy doing what we do, especially when you have little ones. My oldest is my little man, and is unfortunately, aged beyond his years. Everyday after dinner I start getting ready to go out and he asks “Are you gonna go get the bad guys now?” and when I tell him yes he responds with ” Okay I’ll keep momma, bubba, and bugs safe now.” Your letter is a true inspiration, because in today’s day no one appreciates what we do, and I will admit that it does get harder to go out and do it. But thanks to people like you and my little man who believes that we are getting the bad guys, and that he is ready to keep my most precious of people, the ones dearest in my heart safe while I’m gone, lets me know that he is being brought up right, and that there are those who do appreciate, and that he will someday most likely make a great peace officer. Thanks again man. You stay safe out there.


  49. cebie says:

    While most of these posts are quite serious, I would like to add a touch of humor. My brother is a sheriff’s deputy. He has a daughter (an adult now) who was shopping with my mother one day. Rachel was about 4 or 5 years old at the time & quite chatty. She approached a security officer in the store & asked him if he was a police officer. The officer replied, ‘Why, yes I am. I’m a special police officer.”
    To which my niece responded, “Well my Daddy’s a police officer & you’re not any more special than he is!”


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